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Tuesday, August 4

Today's Paper

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CPUC approves new sexual misconduct policies under revised federal Title IX regulations




Protestors gathered outside of the Princeton YMCA at 1:30 p.m. and began a socially-distanced march down Paul Robeson Place, then Tulane Street, Nassau Street, and eventually Witherspoon Street. The march culminated in a series of public speeches by the organizers at Hinds Plaza. 



The University expects to offer enough in-person options for first-year international students to comply with the ICE policy.



During an Aug. 3 webinar open to the University community, the Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC) voted to approve a revised Title IX policy to comply with federal guidance — as well as a separate “University Sexual Misconduct Policy” addressing incidents outside of Title IX’s recently-narrowed scope. 

Frist and Firestone to open, anonymous reporting for social distancing violations, gatherings of no more than five. Here's what you missed.



Students not invited back on campus, including athletes, cannot access campus buildings or attend practices, and social distancing violations can be reported anonymously, according to VP Calhoun.

PART I | ‘Resurfacing history’: A look back at the Black Justice League’s campus activism

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Photo Credits: University Press Club 2015, Joanna Anyanwu ’15, Destiny Crockett ’17, and Yicheng Sun ’16 / The Daily Princetonian. Design Credit: Harsimran Makkad / The Daily Princetonian

Walking into Nassau Hall, the students had every expectation of returning to their dorms that evening. But five, 10, 20 hours later, they were still in Eisgruber’s office.

Visit our first-ever frosh issue website!

Visit our first-ever frosh issue website!

Kenny Peng and Areeq Hasan / The Daily Princetonian


Harsimran Makkad / The Daily Princetonian

How the eating clubs went coed

Thirty years since the NJ Supreme Court ruled against Princeton’s last all-male eating clubs, The Daily Princetonian takes a look back at the decade-long fight for equality on the Street.

‘Walking at the frontier’: professor William Massey ’77, trailblazing Black mathematician and mentor


‘Walking at the frontier’: professor William Massey ’77, trailblazing Black mathematician and mentor

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Celebrating sickness, ignoring the sick: eating disorders and the hypocrisy of campus culture

Celebrating sickness, ignoring the sick: eating disorders and the hypocrisy of campus culture

Free speech is racial too

Free speech is racial too

What’s (not) in a name?



Resetting sexual misconduct to the (Title) IX’s

Petition of the concerned Black alumni of Princeton

Petition of the concerned Black alumni of Princeton

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Anti-Racist Reading Review: Between the World and Me

Anti-Racist Reading Review: Between the World and Me

“The classroom was a jail of other people’s interests,” he says. “The library was open, unending, free.” Graphic by Harsimran Makkad / Daily Princetonian

In the first installment of The Prospect's Anti-Racist Reading Reviews, Alex Gjaja reads Ta-Nehisi Coates’s ...

Q&A with activist and former N.J. Senate candidate Lawrence Hamm ’78

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Hamm marching with protestors in Newark after the killing of George Floyd.
Courtesy of Lawrence Hamm

“You know, we have to have grassroots movements that are not controlled by money power to in fact ...



Office of Sustainability solicits feedback on draft of Environmental Justice Framework

PART II | ‘Resurfacing history’: A look back at the Black Justice League’s campus activism

Student protestors set up tents outside Nassau Hall.
Courtesy of University Press Club live-blog

PART II | ‘Resurfacing history’: A look back at the Black Justice League’s campus activism

‘The early warning signs are not pretty’: Eviction Lab researchers study end of federal moratorium


‘The early warning signs are not pretty’: Eviction Lab researchers study end of federal moratorium

Katz defends ‘blunt words’ in op-ed, as Department of Classics removes condemnation from website


Katz defends ‘blunt words’ in op-ed, as Department of Classics removes condemnation from website




Princeton University Stadium.  
Photo Credit: Joe Shlabotnik / Flickr

Check out the progression of decisions about athletics as the spread of COVID-19 picked up in the United States.

Bella Alarie ’20 signs with Under Armour

Bella Alarie ’20 signs with Under Armour

Ivy League cancels fall athletic competition

Ivy League cancels fall athletic competition


Senior quarterback Kevin Davidson signs with Cleveland Browns

Bella Alarie ’20 selected fifth overall in WNBA draft

Bella Alarie ’20 selected fifth overall in WNBA draft

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Campus Rec offers intramural e-sports on PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices

Campus Rec offers intramural e-sports on PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices

OP-ED | ‘Time will prove this choice misguided’: A group of Princeton athletes speak out


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The Prospect




Graduate student Dennis Schaefer shares what it’s like to live on campus in a summer unlike any other.

Making peace with senior year


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DISPATCH | Eight minutes and 46 seconds

How lucky we are to be alive right now: Reflections on “Hamilton,” grief, and 2023

How lucky we are to be alive right now: Reflections on “Hamilton,” grief, and 2023

DISPATCH | Great American road trip


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Did Princeton make the best decision? A guide for those grieving, considering gap years, and (for the first time) wishing they could transfer to Cornell


The two faces of Dayton police

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Tracking COVID-19 in New Jersey

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Certain fall 2023 courses capped, canceled, moving to pre-recorded format

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Over 400 alumni call on the U.S. govt. to assist Maria Ressa ’86


Students will know ‘whether a one-year leave is possible’ by mid-August, says U.

Students will know ‘whether a one-year leave is possible’ by mid-August, says U.

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Eating clubs will close in the fall ‘for the first time in more than a century’

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Charity for the rich: Princeton must revise its pandemic financial aid decision

Charity for the rich: Princeton must revise its pandemic financial aid decision

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No, publishing racist research is not progress: Why we need to reshape our understanding of academic freedom

No, publishing racist research is not progress: Why we need to reshape our understanding of academic freedom

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Zooming behind: We can do better




Out of control: COVID-19 and disordered eating

Racist research must be named, but often allowed

Racist research must be named, but often allowed

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Saving our democracy: calls for reform to USG

Saving our democracy: calls for reform to USG

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‘The Nassau we all love’: Student group aims to help keep town businesses afloat amid COVID-19

‘The Nassau we all love’: Student group aims to help keep town businesses afloat amid COVID-19

‘Take a breath’: Two alumnae of the Great Recession on graduating in crisis

‘Take a breath’: Two alumnae of the Great Recession on graduating in crisis

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What Zoom Reunions can't replace: alumni reflect on the weekend that might have been

In WRI 163: Contagion, class readings have become reality

In WRI 163: Contagion, class readings have become reality

‘Answer the call’: Princeton students volunteer to help medical workers

‘Answer the call’: Princeton students volunteer to help medical workers


Cornel West, Robert George talk free speech, campus memory, and courage


Princeton releases campus policy and ICE makes a dramatic change — Rapid Reactions on Zoom